2003 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Skip to content

Proceedings Volume 2003


2003 Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Non-Newtonian Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Neil J. Balmforth, Director
John Hinch, Principal Lecturer
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA


Lectures by John Hinch

Preface by Neil J. Balmforth (pdf)

Lecture 1 (pdf)


Lecture 2 (pdf)

Constitutive Relations

Lecture 3 (pdf)

Simple Flows

Lecture 4 (pdf)

Experiments and Numerics

Lecture 5 (pdf)

Microstructural Studies

Lecture 6 (pdf)

Simple Relaxation and Yield Problems

Lecture 7 (pdf)

Stress Relaxation

Lecture 8 (pdf)


Lecture 9 (pdf)

Strong Flows


Fellows' Reports

Flow Induced Oscillations: A Source Mechanism for Volcanic Tremors? (pdf)

Alison Rust, University of Oregon

Wave-Mean-Flow Interaction in Oldroyd-B Fluid (pdf)

Amit Apte, University of Texas at Austin

Diffusively-driven Overturning of a Stable Density Gradient (pdf)

Andrew F. Thompson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Viscoelastic Catenary (pdf)

Anshuman Roy, University of Michigan

Eddy Generation by Flow over Variable Topography: Some Experiments (pdf)

Christopher L. Wolfe, Oregon State University

Elastic Critical Layers (pdf)

Joel Miller, Cambridge University, U.K.

Laboratory Experiments on Non-linear Rossby Adjustment in a Channel (pdf)

Julia Mullarney, Research School of Earth Science, Australian National University

Stability of Viscoplastic Flow (pdf)

JunJun Liu, California Institute of Technology

A Novel Layered QG Model (pdf)

Neil Burrell, University of Colorado, Boulder