Proceedings Volume 2000
2000 Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
The General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Richard L. Salmon, Director
Isaac M.Held, Principal Lecturer
Janet Fields, Administrator
Jean-Luc Thiffeault, Editor
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543 US
Preface by Richard L. Salmon (pdf)
Lectures by Isaac M. Held (pdf)
Lecture 1: Surface Winds and Vorticity Mixing
Lecture 2: A Linear Perspective on Eddy Momentum Fluxes
Lecture 3: A Shallow Water Model
Lecture 4: A Two Layer Model
Lecture 5: Continuous Stratification
Lecture 6: The Hadley Cell
Lecture 7: A Moist Hadley Cell
Lecture 8: Superrotation
Lecture 9: Turbulent Diffusion in MidlatitudesLecture 10: The Extratropical Static Stability
Fellows' Reports
Monsoons in a Moist Axially Symmetric Model of the Atmosphere (pdf)
Giulio Boccaletti, Princeton University
A Quasi-Biennial Oscillation Generated by Gravity Wave Breaking (pdf)
Lucy Campbell, McGill University, CANADA
Vorticity on a Barred Beach (pdf)
Tivon Jacobson, New York University
A Truncated Model of Finite-Amplitude Baroclinic Waves in a Channel (pdf)
Zhiming Kuang, California Institute of Technology
Can a Simple Two-Layer Model Capture the Structure of Easterly Waves? (pdf)
Cheryl Lacotta, University of Arizona
Eddy PV Fluxes in a One-Dimensional Model of Quasi-Geostrophic Turbulence (pdf)
Christos Mitas, University of Illinois
Superrotation in an Axisymmetric Shallow Water Model of the Upper Troposphere (pdf)
Karen Shell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Experimental Investigation of a Theory for Oceanic Convection (pdf)
Christian Sonekan, University of Charleston
What Makes Oceanic Gravity Currents Flow Downhill (pdf)
Christopher Walker, University of California, Irvine